Based in Barcelona - SPAIN
HISPANIA P&I Correspondents
Dedicated to the shipping community in Spain
P&I Correspondents
Professional services as P&I Correspondents in Spain
And general advice on all types of transport claims and incidents for all parties involved in the land and sea transport chain
P&I Clubs
We act as correspondents for the main P&I Clubs/facilities:
The American P&I
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association
British Marine
The Charterers P&I Club
China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association
Eagle Ocean Marine
EF Marine
Japan P&I Club
Korean P&I
The London P&I Club
North of England P&I Association Ltd.
NNPC Noord Nederlandsche P&I Club
The Shipowners’ Protection Limited
The Standard Club
The Steamship Mutual
Thomas Miller Specialty
Turk P&I
UK P&I Club (regional correspondents Europe)
VSK Insurance House
The West of England P&I